I was recently invited to help a friend during a plant-based cooking demonstration to a number of "plant curious" people. During the introductions, attendees went through reasons why they were interested in learning more about plant-based eating. Many of them have health issues, are overweight and one man had even suffered a heart attack. Although there were some people who had really suffered with their health, their was an atmosphere of "hope" in the room.
Heleen Roex is a certified instructor through The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine’s “Food for Life” program and now runs courses in Adelaide. I've previously attended one of her 5-day sessions and although I had listened to the science before as to why eating plants it optimal for human health, it was refreshing and enlightening to be in the room again with open minded people.
Sharing this life changing information with people who may (or may not) have been diagnosed with a chronic health condition is also my passion. In conjunction with Nourish Food and Wellness, I will be conducting workshops where I will be sharing my story of recovering from MS. Together we will introduce people to the concept of plant-based foods for wellness. Cooking demonstrations and tastings of amazing foods will inspire people to make the change. Keep an eye out for workshop dates on my website, Instagram and Facebook page.